Monday, May 23, 2016

Warmachine MkIII and the Protectorate of Menoth

     Tons of stuff is coming out about MkIII. Obviously. And if you're a fan of MkIII, you're probably "in the know" over the changes, major and small, that have been teased. I'm not going to even attempt to go over that stuff, but I am curious how this affects me and my Protectorate of Menoth. I mean, I own a LOT of Protectorate of Menoth. A LOT. And I am completely sold on the new Malekus, the Burning Truth model and fluff - so I'm going strong into MkIII with him as my first and foremost Warcaster.

     So, Malekus. He's already been leaked (not spoiled). We know what's up with him, and I am very excited. He has a 3" knock down spell, Ignite, Ancillary Attack as a spell, and a feat that increases all fire damage rolls by an additional die for a round. A ROUND. His feat also prevents fire from expiring, putting all fire damage continuous rolls at +3d6. Oh, man, that's so good! Because we have plenty of ways to set stuff on fire. And then he has a RNG 10, POW 13 blessed flamethrower at Rat 6, which negates pretty much all defensive bonuses you can gain as of MkII standards. So he's going to be a more burst-oriented Feora 2. Yep, can't wait!

     But also, we have the information for what the first ADR Warcasters will be for the Factions. It's no surprise that they are taking things "back to basics". Each Warcaster offered in a new Battle Box is on the list, and the other three Warcasters are the prime version "staples" of each respective Faction. So out list is Kreoss 1, Malekus 1, Sevvy 1, and the High Reclaimer! I own Kreoss 1 and was going to go heavy into him before MkIII was announced. I already have the High Reclaimer painted up. And Malekus is going to be "my boy". In fact, the High Reclaimer and Feora2 are my desired pairing, but with my focus shifting to Malekus, and he and Feora 2 sharing very similar themes, it's very, very likely I already have my steamroller pairing. I'll even paint up Kreoss 1 for kicks, because you never know when a three-list even will pop up.

     How does all this affect my painting? Well, Feora 2 was on my paint table before her arm broke. My plan was to return to her once I got in some games to make sure it was repaired well, but she make return to my bag so I can focus on other models. Once MkIII hits I'll have a much better idea of what Warjacks I want to have painted, but ideally I'll get the Choir of Menoth painted up, so I can work on whatever units and warjacks I want to toss into my list as soon as MkIII comes out. And then I just wait the two weeks for the initial release so I can paint up the new battle box and Malekus himself. This will be a huge priority, as my local area (as many will, I'm sure) will be hosting a Journeyman League.

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