I've decided to finish painting up my Trollbloods after becoming pretty exhausted with painting some pretty non-stop black and white Black Templars. All that armor and metal...sheesh. The Trollbloods are a fantastic change of pace. I finally finished the 12-man Fennblade unit, after taking up a spot on my painting table for almost two months. It's the largest squad I've painted in one go, and I am not a man of patience. Here is the outcome:
Pretty quickly afterwards, I painted up the Fennblade Kithkar to compliment them as well:
He didn't take very long to paint, and I think the whole thing took about a day - most of which was just waiting for drying times on the washes. I'm pretty happy with the state of my painting in regards to my lack of patience, so painting quickly and moving on to the next model is pretty important so I don't get sidetracked or burnt out. I really need to learn some patience! Anyways, I started the Fell Caller Hero last night and he's practically done as well, heh....put the last wash on as I came in to work so the finishing highlights shouldn't take too long. So expect that soon.
In 40k news, I've lagged behind due to burnt out. I finished my Land Raider Crusader, which I'll get picks for soon. The Stormraven should be done by Saturday for the tournament, if I decide to go. That leaves me with 20 unpainted models for the army, but at least what is painted will look good on the table. That's the goal, isn't it?
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