Sunday, December 21, 2014

Warhammer Fantasy Campaign: Dwarfs?

A bunch of the campaign players met together last Thursday to hash out a bit of the details. We've agreed that no Forgeworld (exception being Chaos Dwarfs) and End Times books will be off the table (exception being models with rules in packages). So while my Glottkin, Blightkings, and Maggot Lords would still be usable, the extent I'm looking to buy into Warriors of Chaos is pretty limited. We also aligned ourselves a bit and are probably going to do an End Times campaign after we finish up this one, and that'll probably see the release of all the End Times books, too! So it just seems to make more sense to toss out the Legions of Chaos during that stint.

So Dwarfs it will be! I have no complaints, really, as I love me some Dwarf action. Every game with my Dwarfs has been with the exact same list, however, so I figure it's time to build and branch out a bit more. I'm thinking something along the lines of:

2,500 Campaign Dwarfs
- Runesmith, Great Weapon, Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Furnace
- Runesmith, Shield, Rune of Spellbreaking
- Thane, Great Weapon, Master Rune of Grimril
- Master Engineer
- Master Engineer

- Longbeards x23, Great Weapons, FC (Rune of Stoicism)
- Quarrellers x20, Shields, Great Weapons, Musician, Standard
- Dwarf Warriors x24, Shields, FC

- Gyrocopter, Vanguard
- Gyrocopter, Vanguard
- Gyrocopter
- Cannon, Rune of Forging
- Cannon, Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning
- Grudge Thrower, Rune of Forging, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating

- Organ Gun, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Forging
- Organ Gun, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning


There are still 7 points left over. The way the campaign is going to be run will have us kind of tailoring our lists to fight our opponent's, so this is definitely just a starting point for the rest of the lists. I was thinking deployment would go something like...

It feels solid, and I'm definitely going with a castle gameplay. Most of my opponent's are Elves, and Wood Elves are just terrible with my Iron Drakes - so I'm looking for something with a bit more punch and punishment for trying to outshoot me.

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