This is my 150th post. I was trying to plan something exciting, but then realized it's a bit odd to put a milestone on posts. I could write 10 in a day and "speed up" to a high post count. So I'll just wait for my year anniversary, which I...think is in May?
As planned, I've tossed the Bloodthirster, Wraithknight, and Wave Serpents on eBay. In less than 24 hours the Bloodthirster was sold, so maybe I should have put a bit more on him? Heh. Considering he and the Wraithknight were painted side-by-side on the same day, it was still a pretty good profit and one of my better commission earnings so far. That's exciting. I finished up Draigo's base and he went flying off eBay, too.
And what did the end Draigo product look like?
Lord Kaldor Draigo |
My tournament list was silly, and the tournament itself was a bit odd. It was well run and I had a blast, though. But I'll explain more in a bit. My list was unbound:
-Chaos Lord, Bike, Mark of Nurgle, Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Sigil of Corruption, Daemonheart, Slaughterer's Horns
-Chaos Spawn x5, Mark of Nurgle
-Bloodthirster, x2 Greater Rewards
-Archon, Helm of Spite, Haywire Grenades, Webway Portal, Shadowfield, Blaster
-Venom, x2 Splinter Cannons
-Venom, x2 Splinter Cannons
-Razorwing Jetfighter, Splinter Cannon, Dark Lances
-Razorwing Jetfighter, Splinter Cannon, Dark Lances
-Wave Serpent, Holofields, TL Scatter Lasters, Shuriken Cannon, 24" turbo-boost thing, x5 Dire Avengers
-Wave Serpent, Holofields, TL Scatter Lasters, Shuriken Cannon, 24" turbo-boost thing, x5 Dire Avengers
-Wraithknight, Scatter Laser
The missions were exactly the same and a bit homebrewed. Each game was Dawn of War deployment with 3 objectives in each deployment zone. You scored only at the end of your turn, and only the objectives in your opponent's deployment zone. So needless to say it was easy to jump over to objectives with my fast as balls army.
My opponent's were fine, and I tried my best to make sure they were having a good time. I was expecting much more Lords of War and Imperial Knights, but there were none of either. Well, technically one Lord of War - Gazghull Thrakka. My opponent's were new players, or rather new to playing for quite awhile, and all were probably under 18 or so. Not that that's inherently a handicap, but I'm a pretty experienced player that brought a strongarm list expecting "stupid stuff" and ending up being the "stupid stuff" of the tournament. I went 3-0, with my last opponent forfeiting to go home early. I ended up going second as there were 9 people in the tournament and two of us went 3-0. So the tie came down to the win ratio of your opponent's. So that was the tournament.
With the End Times being ended, and the future of Warhammer Fantasy a bit of a pandora's box, I've decided to use all my hard invested Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos nurgle bits to convert/switch to 40k. 40k is a great game, a lot of fun, and I just love it. The fluff, and especially the Nurgle. I don't mind, and the Maggot Lords will make interesting Maulerfiends! I do plan to expand into other Gods eventually, but let's stick this to Mono Nurgle to really focus on the rot, decay, and disease portion of 40k!
I don't have a lot of mono Nurgle options. With a preference for competitive play, I'd rather stick to the -strictly better- Nurgle version of things. Ideally I'd just run Khorne+Nurgle+Tzeentch+Slaanesh and just go from there. But I'd rather start smaller, and it's really just easier building all my cool Nurgle options, expanding into the other Gods from there. We are talking CSM+Daemons, here - so even the "Few" Nurgle options will end up being a ton of options. And then we have the all around choices that don't have to be strictly Nurgle, primarily vehicles without any sort of upgrade, or always unmarked Cultists. That stuff is allowed for the "Mono Nurgle" archetype build, but things like "Nurgle converted Fateweaver" is not.
So that boils the list of solid units down to:
Real Nurgle Options -
- Lord on Bike, better and tougher than the rest. Khorne is a solid alternative, but that guy takes a juggernaught instead of a bike.
- Daemon Princes (CSM ones, hands down better as Nurgle)
- Plague Marines, cult troops have no real opposite - just potentially better models. I'm fine with Plague marines because I'd convert them and just use them for any bog-standard CSM model to fit my nurgle fluff. This means a lot of melta gun guys.
- Obliterators, T5 Obliterators are the better option. Although I'm not sure Obliterators are ever the "better option". So going with a "meh" at the moment.
-Chaos Spawn, T6 Chaos Spawn are the best Chaos Spawn. Unmarked Sorcerers on bikes are serious-sauce casters (especially with access to Spell Familiars), so they get a really cheap and fast bunker that can still wreck stuff pretty well.
- Great Unclean Ones
- Heralds
- Plaguebearers
- Nurglings (shrouded infiltrators at 45 points are amazing troop choices now-a-days).
- Beasts of Nurgle - a huge "nope". Look great, but really don't do anything Chaos Spawn don't do much better without daemonic instability wrecking their faces.
- Plague Drones - Actually pretty awesome. I'd love to field some. Faster Chaos Spawn that trade 1 toughness for more survivability (shrouded + daemon). Plague Swords means insta-kill on 6s and glances on 6s. So they can pull work wherever they need to). These guys can actually be summoned in, so a serious reason to have a few. Probably not making them into my list concepts for awhile, though.
- Soul Grinders. Shrouded Soul Grinders are scary. That take longer "to get there", but considering the lack of serious shooting from CSM and Daemons, that may be fine. Compete with the uber fast Slaanesh ones, so not sold on them being "hands down the best" version.
And then the unmarked stuff that fits any "mono" style god list:
-Heldrake, Yeah - of course.
-Hell Blade, super cheap for a flying vehicle with 6 tl Str 7 rending shots. The d6+2" move in any direction each turn before it actually moves is just the added bonus.
-Land Raiders (all variants available, mainly forge world stuff)
-Maulerfiends (quite solid for taking away 2 attacks at 135 points. It makes normal anti-vehicle assault units - or assault units in general - much less reliable. Cheap enough to be filtered into big lists that make target priority a bit difficult)
-Chosen/Havocs - 155 points gets you 5 havocs with 4 melta guns in a rhino with a dirge caster. That feels cheap for the tool it creates. That's 12" forward, 6" flat-out, creating a 6" bubble of no overwatch for units assaulting around it. That's putting a handful of meltas in an advantageous position really early. Like the Maulerfiend, it feels cheap enough to really bog down target priority, and Chaos is really effective once any of it's things on on your front lines.
So from all that, we have a list! But I assume you skipped to this point:
Crimson Slaughter (Everything has Fear, for whatever that's worth):
- Chaos Lord, Mark of Nurgle, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Daemonheart, Slaughterer's Horns
Troop - Cultists x10, x1 Flamer
Troop - Cultists x10, x1 Flamer
Fast Attack - Chaos Spawn x5, Mark of Nurgle
Fast Attack - Heldrake, Baleflamer
Fast Attack - Hell Blade, Gun upgrade (6 TL Str 7, AP 4 rending shot thing)
Heavy Support - Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Heavy Support - Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
HQ - Daemon Prince, ML 3, Daemon of Nurgle (Shrouded), Black Mace, Spell Familiar, Chaos Armor, Wings
Troop - Cultists x10, x9 Autoguns, x1 Heavy Stubber
Imperial Knight:
That's five serious threats starting on the table. It's unlikely all of them can be dealt with before the magic starts happening. The cultists upgrades are a mix of model availability and having points leftover. I know there's a weird "can't take CSM allies with a CSM primary", but some tournaments are either fine with it or I just shove it into the primary and go with the "supplement codices are purchased like they are in the parent codex" thing. I'm sure I could work points around for another unit of Cultists, or switch the DP over and kit him out a bit different. The Black Mace is great, but the Daemon Weapon is a larger bonus than being taxed for more troops in the end.
One ML 3 isn't enough for any sort of summoning shenanigans, but it's plenty fine on a Spell Familiar DP that just wants to buff himself with Biomancy. I can save points with allied Daemons DP and Nurgling troops and replace the Black Mace with gifts. It doesn't really matter, I just have a Daemon conversion idea that is happening soon - so hence his inclusion in some manner.
I really wanted to go with a Typhon Heavy Siege Tank, but I kept getting a bit stumped on conversion ideas - so it got filtered out. I won't have a use for more than 1 ever, so I need the conversion to be THE conversion I'm happiest with. Maybe later.
The Imperial Knight is obvious, and is there to beat on things and do shooting turn 1. I have a fun conversion idea, and I have no problems with the "fluff". It makes sense to have a beaten up, destroyed Imperial Knight chasis get taken over in the Warp and Nurgle-fy over time. Come the Apocalypse fits still, since it is a "maddened spirit" that will lash out uncontrolled.
Considering my enjoyment of Black Templars and Grey Knights, I'm happy to see the playstyles being similar between the two. And I'm very anxious to return to modelling and painting my army now that I'm a much more experienced hobbyist and can do better justice to my overall vision. I'll be snapping pictures of the Nurgle Chaos Spawn soon.
Painting list to be completed by April 1st:
- CSM Commission (about 20ish Khorne dudes)
- Sacral Vault
- Convert up and paint Heldrake
- Chaos Cultists if I have time
- Aleph starter army for Infinity demos
- Caledonian Highlander Sectorial army starter for Infinity Demos
- Infinity buildings (small terrain pieces already painted)
- And whatever else can hit the table.
Hoping to finish up a lot of that stuff by Saturday, but we'll see if I can keep pace with last week or if a bit of a drain takes hold.
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