Sunday, April 19, 2015

A step back into the posting.

It's been awhile! There's a lot of individual stuff that I'd rather not slam into one huge post. It's been a bit since an update, but that doesn't mean things have been slow on my side of things (just the actual blogging of it all). Here are the highlights, and I'll try to pump out some posts to be a bit more in depth on the more interesting highlights.

Warmachine - Before the huge haul, which net me a small Menoth and Mercenary army in addition to the mentioned Daemons above, I snagged some Cygnar. I've already put together a 50-point eHaley list, and have eCaine and some models for that list ready to be put together. I've already managed to paint up eHaley, a squire, a journeman warcaster, and the massive Stormwall /w Lightning Pods. I didn't do a high quality paint job on them, but they are still worthy of the tabletop. I'll include pictures once I get some brighter static grass to adorn their bases.

Infinity - Demo games finished! Had a total of four games over two weekday evenings at my local gaming shop to get some more interested and involved with the hobby (in general, not just the awesome-ness of Infinity). We planned out the demo evenings over a month ago, and I was kind of surprised anyone showed up since a lot of my local area has bought into the game since we started to hype it. I even managed to snag a pretty substantial commission job for a Yu Jing force that I'll be posting up as I paint in the next week or two. It's a very high standard -> best I can paint commission, so I'm anxious to get started to really test out what I am capable of (and get a better idea of areas I need to focus on getting better with).

Malifaux - A few people here are trying to get the game rolling again, but I don't have high hopes. It's not that the game's 2e doesn't look really cool and interesting (with amazing fluff, the kind of fluff I prefer over other wargames), but there are just so many games out there already. But any case, people still own stuff from when the game began, so maybe they'll slink out of the woodwork to play here and there. Meanwhile I'll be painting up a 50ss force for The Dreamer master and test the game out and see if I like it. The models are top notch, and the lore behind my chosen master has me hooked into Malifaux, even if the game doesn't take off around here. It's a chosen miniature line that I'd be more than happy to paint all of it. Great stuff!

The Dreamer - Malifaux

Baby Kade

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