Monday, May 23, 2016

Warhammer 40k - Update and Recap.

     Took a bit of a painting break yesterday, but I did manage to swing in a game. I had to bloat up my upgrades to hit 2,000 points, but Camo Netting is never a bad idea. I added an Inquisitor and some upgrades to my "standard" 1,750 list I wanted to try out, including making the Battle Tank that accompanies Pask into a Punisher Leman Russ for more dakka.
     The game didn't go too well in my favor, as my opponents (played a game against two others looking for a game) rolled a lot of well-placed 5s and 6s, and my rolls weren't the greatest. To be fair, I understand my list doesn't have a ton of rolling to actually do, and puts most of it's faith in averages, but when your opponent needs 6's to glance, and takes out three leman russ tanks in one turn - well, you tend to notice those kinds of spikes a lot more. Oh well, that's the nature of the list, honestly. I know how to improve it to be more competitive, but that's not the point in the first place, so will keep trudging along. For the most part I had fun, but I think the younger opponent I had was doing a bit of cheating, as he called out dice rolls that didn't occur, given I have better eyesight than he thought I did. It's not a huge deal, and not something I cared to address, but it's hard to test out a list when the dice are stacking up against you as well as soon "number fudging".
     Further thought into my list, I'm really stoked for the plug and play nature of it. Once I get my 1,850 points painted up, I can just move towards taking out "X" formation and adding "Y", so I don't have to build completely new lists and can slowly add to my collection. It's a really nice side effect of the current state of 7th edition, and something I'm very happy about. I don't think this applies to every army, but for Astra Militarum it definitely seems to function that way (the new Decurion-style Cadian stuff, anyways). I can take out my Emperor's Wrath Artillery formation for the Baneblade variant with a 7" (maybe 10"?) Str 10 AP 1 Ignore cover, or take away Pask's command slow for a Lord Commissar and an Infantry platoon for screening. And so on.
     As for painting, I did begin this morning with weathering up my next two Leman Russ tanks, and now just need to black out all the metal and color areas, and do that stuff. The blacking out is the longest step left, so should fly by if I can focus some tomorrow morning. That'll leave me with an Inquisitor, two Enginseers, two more Leman Russ tanks, and two Wyverns for a fully painted list. It's not a terrible amount more to go, and I have until June 12th to get it done. Because, you know... MkIII Warmachine!

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