Thursday, October 2, 2014

DnD character.

     Around 8 o'clock yesterday morning I set out all of my Necron stuff to try to airbrush it all and try to paint the entire army in one go. It was a bold move for it being the third time I've used an airbrush, but I wanted to push myself. About two hours later I was finished. Not with my goal completed, but I was just finished with painting. I kept mixing up my thinner and cleaner, got a huge dried paint clog, and even managed to get dried super glue into my mouth (how!? I wasn't even using it). I knew my aspiration was a crazy one, especially since I don't have good airflow where I'm able to paint at the moment - so I got a pretty bad headache. So my day was off to a pretty crappy start for what was supposed to be my relaxing day off. I put everything up and set out my Dwarfs to just paint the 'ole fashioned way. But then I tossed them all back into their queue and grabbed a lone model off my shelf that I had no plans to paint. This was my relax day, and taking some stuff to my local gaming store to paint one model out in the "fresh air" sounded really nice at this point (it was about 1 o'clock by this time). Here is the result:

Dwarf Runesmith or Lord

This guy is mainly for a DnD character in a game I have coming up tomorrow night, but I figured there was no reason I can't also use him in my Dwarfs army if I need to. I was going to try out NMM, but decided against it so he'd fit better with my Dwarf army when I do toss him in there from time to time.

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