Tuesday, September 9, 2014

40k: Necron Battle Report

I had a really, really good game against a friend of mine last Thursday. I forgot pictures, but that's the norm for me unfortunately. Lists!

My Necrons

HQ - Overlord, Command Barge, MSS, 2+ armor, Warsythe
HQ - Overlord, Command Barge, MSS, 2+ armor, Warsythe
Royal Court - x2 Stormteks, x1 Despairtek /w Nightmare Shroud

Troop - x9 Necron Warriors, Ghost Ark
Troop - x9 Necron Warriors, Ghost Ark
Troop - x10 Necron Warriors, Ghost Ark
Troop - x5 Necron Warriors, Night Scythe

Elite - x5 Deathmarks, Night Scythe

Heavy - Annihilation Barge
Heavy - Annihilation Barge
Heavy - Annihilation Barge

*Despair Cryptek goes with Deathmarks, of course, and Stormteks go with the 9-man Warriors

Tyranids /w Orks
Hive Tyrant, Wings, 2x Devourer w/ brainleeches, Hive Commander
Hive Tyrant, Wings, 2x Devourer w/ brainleeches
30 Termagants
Zoanthrope x3
Biovore x3
Crone x2

Allied detachment:
Warboss, Heavy Armor, Klaw, Bosspole, Lucky Stick
18 choppa boyz, Nob, Klaw, heavy armor for all
Battlewagon, 4 rokkitz


Mission was the 3 objective cards a turn and you can't discard your Secure Objective X ones, and can use your opponent's Secure Objective X cards if you control them.

He deployed first. I forgot what his Warlord Trait ended up being, but mine was Warlord+d3 units get to infiltrate and I rolled a 5. So that's good news. He deployed his army acrossed the entire backline and spread out pretty well. From his back-right to back-left it was - Biovore, Flyrant, Battlewage /w Orks, Crone, Biovore, Zoanthrope, Flyrant, Crone, Zoanthrope, Biovare /w Zoanthrope. I'm not entirely sure why he spread out, but I took advantage. I felt his right side was his weakest point, so I deployed everything on my left corner behind ruin saves where they could and infiltrated in front of that block. I failed to seize.

His Turn 1
He advanced up and took the skies with his FMCs. He couldn't do much against my wall of AV13, and the Crones tossed out Haywires and managed 1 glance after all shooting attacks on a Ghost Ark. Felt pretty good, but bad luck on his part.

My Turn 1
I moved what was necessary, but just crawled up 6" to start shooting what was in range. I took a Crone down with a superbly lucky Annihilation Barge, and managed four 6s! 12 hits and 11 wounds later was too much for the Crone to handle. Other shots went out, but the only thing really in range to my Ghost Arks and Warriors inside was a Flyrant, and I failed to hit and hurt him.

His Turn 2
All of his reserves came on (Tervigon and Termagants). Tervigon Outflanks to my left side, which is where all my stuff was at. He spit out 6 more 'Gaunts, but with such an unfortunate number of spawning on his part he wasn't able to really bubble wrap his Tervigon enough. I had positioned to prevent any Vector Strikes on the bulk of my units, but he did clip a Ghost Ark and caused a glance. Another Haywire came out and caused another Glance. Orks got out and charged a Ghost Ark and Annihilation Barge, killing both.

My Turn 2
All of my reserves came on, and I placed my Deathmarks in front of his Orks while marking them with their SR. Night Scythes positioned across the board to shoot at Crones/Flyrants. Shooting took down another Crone and I tore through his bubble wrapped Tervigon, prepping for a charge on with both Bargelords. They charge in and finish off the Tervigon. The Orks took a heavy amount of wounds, but managed to soak up a lot with the Warboss and his beefiness. By this point a Zoanthrope has been killed by a Night Scythe and another has a wound on it.

His Turn 3
His Orks are the star players, as his Power Fists are capable of doing stuff his mass shooting isn't. He charges the Deathmarks, but mainly repositions his other forces for board and objective control.

My Turn 3
I ground a Flyrant as hoped, and it's charged by a Bargelord - which kills it no problems. The other Bargelord moves to help the Deathmarks, who are quite resilient against the Orks. I set the 5-man Warriors down to start working on the left side of his deployment so he didn't have easy control over all the objectives. My Ghost Arks move towards his deployment area and just throw bullets to start taking down guys. The rest of the Zoanthropes are finished off with mass shooting.

His Turn 4
Orks sustain themselves again in combat, but I managed to get the Warboss with the Mindshackle Scarabs twice now. By this point I have two large groups of Necron Warriors disembarked, so he's using his remaining two Biovores to rain down on them, but they keep making great rolls to get back up.

My Turn 4
I crash my Bargelord into the big Ork fight, putting the odds highly in my favor. At this stage it's practically just two Bargelords versus three Choppa Boys and the Warboss. I fire mass bullets into his Termagants and start making my way to reach all of his models. He is way ahead on Victory Points at the moment, so I figure it's best to try to fully clear the board ASAP.

His Turn 5
Hoping for the game to end, he zooms his Flyrant (and Warlord) to my right deployment area, which is dead empty. There is a large ruin that blocks LoS. His Orks fail to do any real damage, and I kill another 2 boyz.

My Turn 5
I'm struggling in melee combat with a charged Biovore, but finish off the Orks and try to get closer with everything. He has two models left, but still more Victory Points by about 3. It comes down to if the game continues...

And it does!

His Turn 6
He doesn't move his Flyrant, and is just hoping to win with VPs. His Biovore dies in close combat after I get another 10 Necron Warriors into the fray. He scores another VP and is ahead by two.

My Turn 6
I get closer, but 24" gunrange and the fast speed on the LoS blocked Flyrant is crippling to me. I get a lucky objectives draw and get 4 (had a d3 one and rolled a 3...whew). I'm ahead and the game ends on a '1'.


End score was: Me - 15 VPs, Him - 14 VPs (Go First Blood and Linebreaker!)

It was a really great game that was very close on VPs the entire time. Looking back, though, I've never really 'abused' an opponent as badly in terms of what was killed, let alone this was the guy that taught me the game and gives me the best opposition at my local store with 40k. My army was relatively in tact. I'd be really happy with the victory, but I remember the issues I had with a Land Raider in my very first game. But it's a new army with a completely different playstyle, so there's a lot to learn.

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