Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I'm toying with a new 2,000 point list...

For an upcoming tournament, I need to craft another 2,000 point list to try to bring the pain. While I've picked up everything I could to make pretty much any Grey Knights army (sans Stormravens - for now), it isn't scratching the part of me that loves a good conversion. So adding in a supple amount of Inquisition seems like a no brainer. And an Imperial Knight. Three Imperial Knights are a liability, I feel, but one truly increases the durability of the rest of your armor (because if the Knight isn't dealt with quickly then it starts to do it's thang).

With no Detachment limit in place, how about:

This is a Nemesis Strike Force Detachment, x3 Inquisition Detachments, and a Knight, but I'm just combining them -

HQ - Term. GK Librarian, ML 3
HQ - Coteaz
HQ - Inquisitor, x2 Servo Skulls
HQ - Inquisitor

Troop - Strike Squad x5, Incinerator

Elite - Henchmen - Psyker x1, Acolytes /w Plasma Guns x3, Servitors /w MM x3, Chimera /w 2 heavy bolters and psybolt ammo
Elite - Henchmen - Psyker x1, Acolytes /w Plasma Guns x3, Servitors /w MM x3, Chimera /w 2 heavy bolters and psybolt ammo
Elite - Henchmen - Psyker x1, Acolytes /w Plasma Guns x3, Servitors /w MM x3, Chimera /w 2 heavy bolters and psybolt ammo
Elite - Henchmen - Psyker x1, Acolytes /w Plasma Guns x3, Rhino
Elite - Henchmen - Psyker x1, Acolytes /w Plasma Guns x3, Rhino
Elite - Henchmen - Psyker x1, Acolytes /w Plasma Guns x3, Rhino
Elite - Henchmen - Psyker x1, Acolytes /w Plasma Guns x3, Rhino

Heavy Support - Dreadknight, Teleporter, Greatsword, H. Incinerator, H. Psycannon
Heavy Support - Dreadknight, Teleporter, Greatsword, H. Incinerator, H. Psycannon

Imperial Knight - Errant


An Inquisitor goes in a Chimera each to fuel the Servitors, and the Librarian goes with Coteaz.

It's 15 Warp Charges. 21 plasma guns. 9 MMs. 9 individual psykers rolling for powers, who can get some pretty exciting stuff on their own (ignore cover + prescience on one dude in a unit of plasma and maybe MMs? yes, please! Or Invisibility + Psychic Scream against low leadership armies), and has enough assault for my liking. I mean, I'd prefer more assault, but I'll worry about that later. Honestly, if I drop anything it'd probably be the Imperial Knight since it's a pretty huge liability if it goes down. It's a huge bullet attractor, and shoving it down someone's throat to deal with it before all that plasma gets to the lines is a scary, scary thing. There is more than enough vehicles to cause problems, and going first means a pretty easy turn for me (12" forward, +6" turb-boost, 30" shunt, minor shooting, wait for turn 2 crushing).

The plus side I either own everything already , or have plenty of time to convert something out of what I do own. It is a bit spammy, though. Well, incredibly spammy. It's the list I'm most happy with at the moment, though, and will be working through it's kinks and try to come up with other drafts that make me equally excited and anxious to field (while trying to get more assault on the table).

The tournament is over a month away, but I'd like to get some list a bit finalized so I can work on painting. Coteaz is the only painting I've had time for with my 40k army recently, and I plan to hit painting pretty hard come January.

PS: My local area is also starting up a campaign, so I'll try to get some posts about that.

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