Realspace Raiders Detachment
HQ - Archon, Blaster, Shadow Field, Webway Portal
Troop - Kabalite Warriors x10, x1 Blaster, x1 Splinter Cannon
/w Raider, Dark Lance, Splinter Racks, Night Shields
Troop - Kabalite Warriors x10, x1 Blaster, x1 Splinter Cannon
/w Raider, Dark Lance, Splinter Racks, Night Shields
Troop - Kabalite Warriors x5, x1 Blaster
/w Venom, Dual Splinter Cannons
Troop - Kabalite Warriors x5, x1 Blaster
/w Venom, Dual Splinter Cannons
Fast Attack - Razorwing Jetfighter, x2 Dark Lances, Splinter Cannon
Fast Attack - Razorwing Jetfighter, x2 Dark Lances, Splinter Cannon
Fast Attack - Scourges x5, x4 Heat Lance
Fast Attack - Scourges x5, x4 Haywire Blaster
Fast Attack - Reavers x6, x2 Heat Lances, x2 Cluster Caltrops
Fast Attack - Reavers x6, x2 Heat Lances, x2 Cluster Caltrops
Heavy Support - Ravager, x3 Dark Lances
Heavy Support - Ravager, x3 Dark Lances
Heavy Support - Ravager, x3 Dark Lances
The Archon will escort either the Heat Lance or Haywire Blaster Scourges, depending on my opponent's list and which weapon is most useful. My troop slot is a bit bloated, but I'll only have 2 venoms and 2 raiders to try to do stuff with, and I'd really only have access to Warriors/Trueborn. There's already 32 anti-tank weapons in the list, 28 of which are Str 6 or higher and AP 2, so having large units of Warriors to help deal with infantry/MCs is going to be useful. There's still some time to edit the list, but I'll need to build quite a bit to get that list ready to go.
The last tournament hosted at the game store saw some poor terrain and all the missions were Eternal War missions. I'm very much expecting the same missions as last time, which were Crusade, Purge the Alien, and the Relic. Honestly, I'd probably have more fun playing a few pick up games than playing in an unenthused tournament, but if there's a good tournament there's a good chance I'll try to take the helm to make the tournament much more interesting and engaging for all involved.
I managed to finish cutting up and glueing some custom foam this morning. I'm pretty confident that I managed to make a safe and protective transport for my 3 Ravagers and 2 Raiders, even if it appears pretty crude. I have a nice 24" long, 8" deep, and about 10" tall toolbox that is very hard plastic. Unfortunately the Ravagers/Raiders take up most of the area, but they are by far the most fragile and hardest to protect. I currently have the last 3" dedicated to infantry and Reavers, but more than likely I'll try to make that toolbox my sole carrying device for all my vehicles and just use easier and cheaper carrying storage devices for the simpler stuff.
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