Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dark Eldar Transport.

Too much Plastic Cement has made me a bit under the weather for the last week. I've managed to prep a ton of models for building, but until this is gone I'm in a bit of limbo putting anything else together. It's possible this'll affect my tournament list, since I won't have enough to fill out 2,000 points. Dark Eldar is still intended to be my main army, but I may need to do something weird like bring an Imperial Knight or some Grey Knights. Oh, well.

I've had my tool box army carrying case for awhile, but this is the first time I've added foam to it. Everything I've carried has fit pretty nicely in one way or another from various foam I've collected, but Dark Eldar are a bit of a different beast - primarily Ravagers and Raiders. Looking towards doing some above par paint jobs,  I needed something to protect them from breaking and scratching in transit. So I've ended up with:


Toolbox: $30
Foam: $10

There's still another 3"+ left on the top layer, which I currently have for Reavers and Infantry, but it's an inefficient use of space that I'll be switching over to carry my Voidraven and Razorwings and as many Venoms as can fit after that. This'll leave my with a stackable set of tubs for smaller infantry, Talos, and the rest of the army for lite travel.

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