I had a great year in 2014. Good times were had - great models were painted and sold, armies were invested in, and armies were sold. But I've spent a good amount of my wargaming time whoring myself out to different armies and projects, and, in the large scheme of things, finishing much fewer than I started. So to really start out 2015, my rare New Years Resolution has focussed itself on my wargaming hobby.
What does 2015 have in store for me and this blog? Let's use bullet points!
• More Battle Reports - this is a big one. I either take a random picture when I remember to start taking them and then promptly forget, or I just encumber my time so heavily that there isn't enough to make good reports.
• I have too much stuff, not enough time, and hardly enough room to move in my hobby area. I plan to refocus my efforts into creating a clean and managable area so I can jump from building, modelling, and painting without having to clean up an overwhelming amount of stuff (which tends to defeat impulse painting sprees before they even begin).
• Army readjustments. With few exceptions, I have plenty or all models for Grey Knights/Inquisition, Minions (Farrow and Gators), Fantasy Dwarfs, and other random wargames (including everything from the hugely popular X-Wing game). Since I don't need to buy much for either, I plan to get busy painting and building army lists...
• Army lists - I want to play painted, and I want to paint, so to make both of those work off of each other, I will be creating one list for every army, game, Faction, etc. and painting that to completion while honing my skills with the list. Since games are pretty point specific, I'll try to create great lists that scale at different point brackets so I don't need to paint models outside of the standard army build.
• Dark Eldar! Blam! There it is. We're making that army work, and I've already got a 1,500 point list created that will build to 2,000 pretty easily. It should work well, but at least it'll look good if things fall a bit flat.
• Terrain, terrain, terrain! I have a lot of ideas I've been drawing out in my notebook for awhile now. I want the time to complete some, so I'm making it happen in the year 2015.
Those are the major projects and ideas pushing into this blog and my hobby for the year 2015. And the year is starting off with -
• 40k Campaign! I went Grey Knights, but decided to switch over to Dark Eldar for a few key reasons. The main one is that I haven't had a game go sour for me (one excluded) with my Grey Knights. They are a solid army, and probably a bit overpowered with my playstyle in a friendly setting. Additionally, my friend and I, whom I play regularly, was on the same campaign Faction (Imperium). This switch will allow us to play games, as we normally do, and still attribute to the campaign when doing so. This is a pretty huge bonus for a three month campaign.
• Fantasy Campaign! Dwarfs are coming. I've managed to build a bit here and there, but I'll be hashing out a few key changes to get the standard army list set so I can get to finishing painting my core army to play those beautiful models. Can't wait! This is the least priority for me, unfortunately, due to a lack of Fantasy players and given the campaign is going to be played pretty slowly (3 months, same as the 40k one, but 2 week rounds, so less games for sure).
• Warmahordes! I'm loving Minions, and they're loving me back! I'm still pretty heavy into the Farrow side, although I have a 50-point gator list built. I managed to finish, for the most part, my second Road Hog (pictures soon), so between Lord Carver, Dr. Arkadius, and painting them up things will be a bit slow on the Gator side of things.
• Bolt Action, X-Wing, and Wild West Exodus - I have stuff for these games, but I'm teetering on clearing them out. I don't have time for the 40k/Fantasy/Warmahordes projects, let alone other games entirely. I still have my Necron army, Cryx stuff, and my -hopefully soon to be sold- Circle stuff to toss out my door as soon as the price is right. This'll clear out room so I can get working on all those terrain ideas I have.
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