While doing some modest airbrushing yesterday, I decided to add some layers to my Shadowrun (5e) miniature that's remained unpainted for a bit too long. I opted to use a Yu Jing Infinity model, as it's one of the best sci-fi sniper models I've ever seen. It's pretty simple stuff, but it was done wicked fast. After only 1 1/2 hours of airbrushing and painting, this guy came out pretty nice. Future projects will be very happy from airbrush and standard brush work, and I'm really excited. The basic steps on this guy were just:
1 - Airbrush layers (all the reds and a bit of shade work on the base)
2 - Nuln Oil washes (selected areas for extra shadows)
3 - Black lines to make areas pop a bit
4 - Red highlight edging
5 - metal work (Pig Iron - Nuln Oil wash - Cold Steel highlights/drybrush)
6 - Sniper rifle greys, which was one blue wash after all the simple edge highlighting was done
So, seriously basic work. My gaming group doesn't handle miniatures too well, so I didn't want to put too much work into this guy. Advanced painting techniques, and a bit more attention to where my brush tip was hitting, and he could have been a really great looking miniature. The airbrush really speed up and simplify blending to an extreme degree.
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