Sunday, February 8, 2015

To Infinity and beyond (40k).

I just grabbed the Aleph Steel Phalanx starter army for Infinity. It's not particularly an army I want to play, but it has a good aesthetic that should complement the Ariadna's starter set for when I start running some Infinity Demos in the area. I've also put together all the terrain pieces that have come in, so I'm just waiting on the other horde of terrain to arrive to finish out a complete Infinity table! It's very exciting. To get interest in Infinity in the coming weeks, I'll need to break from Dark Eldar painting to at least paint the starter boxes for the upcoming Demos I hope to run. But that's only 12 models, so shouldn't take up too much time.

Meanwhile, I've finished up painting my Archon and I'm relatively alright with the way he came out. It was a bit trial and error for colors and I'm still working out the kinks of airbrushing and applying it to my normal painting style. My two Venoms are currently on my painting table and should be done by Tuesday. I'm excited to have 5 models painted up, since they are about 600 points of my 2,000 point list. I'll get some good pictures of everything I've painted when I finish up the pieces I'm working on.

It's not looking like Harlequins are going to offer anything that I can't just get from Dark Eldar. Making a pseudo-faction that is very small in model count, a weird merging of two factions strengths (Dark Eldar/Eldar), and a bit more elite version of both of those Factions (again, Dark Eldar/Eldar) is leaving something to be desired. Not bad in assault and pretty good at shooting isn't a strong selling point on models that are many times over less survivable than the other army that has all that (and much, much more) going for them (IE: Space Marines). We need to see an amazing Heavy Support, Transport, and HQ option -and preferably an HQ with crazy awesome Psykering- to make up for all it's pitfalls as an ally choice. I'd love a character jetbike HQ, though, to work into my Dark Eldar Reavers unit. I'd definitely grab Harlequins for that alone, even if the rest of the choices leaves me pretty sad. Cross your fingers that Transport is amazing (and follows the most recent trends as having it a Fast Attack option).

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