Tuesday, March 24, 2015

And the Nurgle list to rule all Nurgle lists!

Mono-Nurgle 1,850 List

This is designed as a starting point, but should work well for the "upcoming" tournament in May. A little less than 2 months away means I can probably get everything painted up once it's all built. Minus some heavy greenstuff work, I should only have the Typhon Heavy Siege Tank and the Sicaran Tank (in the mail now from an ebay purchase) left to put together. I'm fine with it not being all painted, though, but no real reason I couldn't get it all done in time. Anyways:

Crimson Slaughter (Primary)

HQ - Chaos Lord, Mark of Nurgle, Bike, Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Melta Bombs, Sigil of Corruption, Daemonheart, The Slaughterer's Horns

Troop - Cultists x10, Flamer
Troop - Cultists x10, Flamer

Fast Attack - Chaos Spawn x5, Mark of Nurgle
Fast Attack - Heldrake, Baleflamer
Fast Attack - Hell Blade, x2 Helstorm Autocannons

Heavy Support - Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Heavy SUpport - Sicaran Tank

Lord of War - Typhon Heavy Siege Tank, Armoured Ceramite

CSM (Allied)

HQ - Daemon Prince, Wings, Power Armor, Daemon of Nurgle, Spell Familier, ML 3, The Black Mace

Troop - Cultists x10, x9 Autoguns, Heavy Stubber


I bloated up the troops a bit due to lack of points to toss around. 30 objective secured guys running around will probably end up being forgotten about for awhile since the list is pretty heavy in the "deal with this NOW" category of threats. So some flamers and 24-36" shooting to help out a bit isn't horrible. Flamers help against that dreaded charge, and the Crimson Slaughter detachment grants Fear to ever unit chosen in it, so that's a bit of a plus (and the reason why they are cheap CCW guys).

It scales up to 2,000 pretty well, but since there was a mention of the next tournament sitting around 1,850 points I didn't see the real need to go up that high for now. It's basically just adding in a Maulerfiend and then downgrading troops and taking the melta bomb off the Chaos Lord to fit Heavy Bolter sponsons on the Sicaran.

Right now the biggest consideration is making the CSM detachment a Daemons detachment and getting a cheaper Daemon Prince that can easily deal with every multi-wound model with an instant death Balesword. It'd use the same model, so it's not a huge deal and I'll just do playtesting to determine that. The Black Mace is good at raping Invisible units, though.

So that leaves the deadly Lord of War - Typhon the Siege Engine. As far as "cheap" LoW go, an AV 14 all-around 6HP vehicle that's immune to Melta is pretty crazy. It moves 12" in the movement phase without worry, gets to do the amazing Thunderblitz table (and at a +1 due to it's rules), so can actually hurt/destroy non-vehicle units by just pushing into them with a Tank Shock. I'm also under the impression you can Tank Shock and still shoot, but Ramming says you can't fire (but not sure how that interacts with the "Super-heavy vehicles always act as having been stationary for their shooting" rule). If I can Ram on top of Tank SHock and still get to shoot, even with just 1 gun we're talking about a killer vehicle roaming around the battlefield. Even with 1 BS 4 Str 10 AP 1 ignore cover 7" blast, it's doing damage somewhere. At 370 points with ceramite armour, it feels like a steal. It's just hard to deal with and has a gun that will slowly (or quickly if there are lucky penetrate rolls) deal with an entire army on it's own. The only real threat to it is Str D in close Combat. My only concern with it is what to do if Lords of War aren't allowed in the next tournament. It's something that'd be great to know ahead of time. 370 points is an Imperial Knight that would fill the same role, but then I have to worry about CtA allying. Oh well, I'll wait and worry about it later. I still have plenty of open slots to fill my current Force Orgs.

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