I managed to get a game in last night and took some pictures of it! It's a start, anyways. The pictures are scarce and some were taken at odd times throughout the match. Oh well, better than nothing. I even wrote "BATTLE REPORT!" at the top of my army list. It didn't help me remember.
So this was my first go with my 1,850 Nurgle list. My opponent was trying out a LictorShame list and had some hard growning pains throughout the game. It was fun, though, and a good experience overall. That's always what you want in a game.
Nurgle 1,850
Crimson Slaughter:
HQ - Chaos Lord, Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, The Slaughterer's Horns, Daemonheart, Mark of Nurgle
Troop - Cultists x10, Flamer
Troop - Cultists x10, Flamer
Fast Attack - Chaos Spawn x5, Mark of Nurgle
Fast Attack - Heldrake, Baleflamer
Fast Attack - Hell Blade, gun upgrade
Heavy Support - Sicaran, Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Heavy Support - Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
LOW - Typhon Heavy Siege Tank, Armoured Ceramite
CSM Allies:
HQ - Daemon Prince, Spell Familiar, The Black Mace, ML 3, Wings, Power Armor, Daemon of Nurgle
Troop - Cultists x10
LictorSHame 1,850
*I'm going off memory/what I see. Not sure exactly upgrades or detachments
Flyrants x3, all with dual devourers
Lichtors x7
Death Leaper
Mawlocks x3
Ripper Swarm
Warrior x2 (2 units of 1, that is)
Spore Mines x4 (4 units of 3)
3 Mines? (single model units)
Aegis Defense Line /w Comms Relay
We played Maelstrom of War missions and rolled up the Spoils of War one (or whatever). Draw 3 cards each turn and you can't discard Secure Objectives/can score your opponent's secure objective cards. It was Dawn of War deployment. He did what was basically a null deploy, and I rolled to go first. I passed the turn after his null deploy, because I wasn't willing to let my fliers get wrecked before they could start opposing his Flyrants.
And then I did some shuffing:
On his Turn 2 he managed to get everything on except two Flyrants and a Mawlock. This was a huge advantage to me. I lost 1 cultist from his shooting and managed to get by unscatched. My Hell Blade decided to not show up, and that's even with my rolling the re-roll reserve rolls trait. Ah, well. That would have been a nice bonus. I charged his Mawlocks, one with a Maulerfiend and the other with my Chaos Lord and Spawn. I wiffed my attacks, but he wasn't able to hit and run (which he never gets off in the game, which was a bit devastating).
*I took this picture before I finished placing the Helldrake. I decided to bring it over to the left side to stop a bit of congestion that was happening in the bottom of my deployment area.
On Turn 3 his other Flyrants came on and did some pretty terrible shooting. I managed to save all of my saves on the Sicaran from cover except for 1 glance. I'm having trouble taking down those Mawlocks for some reason. Oh well, I can't blame my dice because they were doing some good things for me this game even if Mawlock-beating-up wasn't one of them. My Hell Blade comes on and puts two wounds on his HQ and I end up grounding him for another wound, was hopeful to take him out.
*My hell blade was put on next to my heldrake before it moved, took the picture when I remembered instead of when would have been ideal :P
No picture for any of Turn 4, but I ended up taking down his Mawlock with my Maulerfiend on his turn and charged it into my Lord's Maulerfiend to finish the bastard off. I ended up killing all of his Mawlocks after losing a Maulerfiend, but my Chaos Lord was wide open during his Turn 5. He blows most of my spawn away with TL devourers, but I managed to take down his warlord with my Sicaran and my Typhon just rotates around blowing away Lictors and just being near objectives as something that's wicked hard to deal with. My DP starts heading towards the center of the board incase I was able to cause a Flyrant to crash, but I didn't pull that off. The game didn't go on to Turn 6, and I end up winning 11-6. Half of my points were gotten from Objectives while 3 were from Harness the Warp (my DP managed to nab 3 powers in a psyker phase before all of his Tyrants came on, which was pretty great luck for me).
nice job.
ReplyDeleteThanks. LictorShame is such a good list that it's going to get tough to beat it once my main opponent starts learning it's in's and out's. Our main combat engagements were on top of objectives, which worked to my advantage. Even with an army that the majority moves 12+ inches a turn I was feeling stretched thin pretty early. It's going to be an uphill battle the next few times I fight it, for sure.