Saturday, May 30, 2015

Haqqislam Bases

Here's a shot of the bases. They are completed, and just require a quick watered down layer of wood glue to help seal and protect their structural integrity while gaming.

Step by step:

- Glue minis feet down using small globs of green stuff.
- Glue spots of ballast down (using dirt/gravel from the curb of my street)
- Cover the rest of the base area with Agrellan Earth for cracking effect.
- Spot Modeling Paste for extra texture and unsightly clean ups.
- Add extras (in the case of these three it was just small amounts of tiny wood pieces and a very small amount of static flock.

Haqqislam Base WiP

I also spent about 5 hours on Friday building a terrain board. It's some pretty quick work and there's still a lot to be done and to add to it, but here's how it's looking so far:

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