But the entire time I was in the theater I could only hear one thing. WAAAAAAAGH! The environment, vehicles, and flavor of the movie fits with the Orks so well, that converting up an Ork army in a Mad Max flavor is just - a beautiful idea to me. It's very probably that it'd just be "Orks" in theme, with most models being of whatever part of the range fits whatever concept I get. Next month, the month after my Cygnar painting spree and tournament, has me in a hobby dead zone. So I'll take advantage of that to push out some Mad Mork stuff, and see if I like it. I should clarify that I still don't expect to play the army, as I'll shoot for a 500-750 point "list" to have fun with conversion and painting. My local area doesn't play at that level, and Orks are still pretty "meh", even before the stupid power spike the latest stuff has brought into the fold. But I'm not looking at the game, I'm looking at the hobby/models. It's exciting, and exciting is good.
So that's next month. Once my current Cygnar is finished I'll work towards some terrain, tables, and maybe some of the Orks mentioned above. But I also need to play around with my new camera. It is supposed to have HD Video support. The downside is it's a battery-based camera, so I'm not sure how long it can capture video before it dies. It could be more than enough or just not enough. Either way, I'll be working on video battle reports. That's the next stage of this blog.
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