Cygnar and Farrow. Two Factions I am very much enjoying and still own a good chunk of the stuff for them (I still own all of the Farrow releases, with multiples of the units). While my love for the army hasn't dwindled, I seem to be unable to paint up units as of late. Even the small 7-man unit, the amazing unit called Arcane Gun Mages, fell short of a finished paint job. When I get to the small bits and tedious detail work it takes a lot to grind through it. One solo models it's not bad, and I even LIKE doing that stage, but on units I just fall apart mentally and create a lot of mental hurdles to grind through those steps. To keep things fun and interesting, avoiding units all together is the best method, really. How is this possible? Well, only Legion can do this and still be strong and competitive. I'm referring to the Faction as a whole, and not select army lists here and there. So now we have three Factions I'll be partaking in for Warmachine/Hordes. Not a decision I regret.
So for the last few days I've been building, and we have:
Legion Built |
This isn't even all of what I currently own. This morning I managed to finish building:
- Spell Martyrs x3
- Totem Hunter
- Nephilim Soldier
- Blight Wasps
Which leaves me left to build:
- Throne of Everblight
- Rangers (6 - came in the all in one box, so yes I own a unit)
- Shredders x3
- Saeryn
- pLylyth
And has me waiting for these on order:
- Raeks x2
- eAbby
- Forsaken
- Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
- Two-Player battle box set (the cheap ebay kind, only thing purchased outside of my Local Gaming Store support - 40 bucks for 4 more shredders, another Lylyth for conversion, a Carnivean, and Warspears is hard to pass up)
So a bit more to go and I'll have a pretty solid amount of units to have a lot of game variety and fun. I highly enjoy painting individual models, so am looking forward to start digging into the painting side of this Faction once I finish my Haqqislam army up.
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