Grey Knights
HQ - Librarian
Troop - Strike Squad x5, Incinerator
Troop - Terminators x5, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon
Dedicated Transport: Land Raider
Elite - Dreadnought
Fast Attack - Interceptors x10, x2 Incinerators
Heavy Support - Dreadknight, Sword, Teleporter, Heavy Psycannon, Heavy Incinerator
Heavy Support - Dreadknight, Sword, Teleporter, Heavy Psycannon, Heavy Incinerator
Heavy Support - Dreadknight, Sword, Teleporter, Heavy Psycannon, Heavy Incinerator
Lord of War - Draigo
*This list was just filling points. With all the rushing to get stuff built for gaming, this was what ended up being fielded.
HQ - Warboss, Mega armor, Lucky Stick, Bosspole
HQ - Painboy
HQ - Painboy /w bosspole
HQ - Painboy /w bosspole
Troop - Boys, quantity a lot, Nob /w Power Claw
Troop - Boys, quantity a lot, Nob /w Power Claw
Troop - Boys, quantity a lot, Nob /w Power Claw
Troop - Gretchin x10
Elite - Meganobs x3, Truk
Elite - Meganobs x3, Truk
Elite - Meganobs x3, Truk
Elite - Meganobs x3, Truk
Elite - Tankbustas x5, Truk
Elite - Tankbustas x5, Truk
Heavy Support - Battlewagon
Heavy Support - Battlewagon
Heavy Support - Battlewagon
*Going off memory, so I'm sure this isn't an exact list but it's pretty close to what I went up against. There were other upgrades on stuff, but it's closing in at 2,000 points there.
Deployment was something like:
Eh, um ... not quite like that. We placed Objectives, with two on one side's deployment zone, three spaced evenly in the middle of the board, and one in the unlucky person's deployment zone. This was intentional on my part, as I only have one back-field objective holder, so I didn't really want to play a game where I ended up leaving behind too many units just to stack on objectives. I won the roll-off to choose my side, and I chose the one with two objectives amusingly. Looking at his army, I knew it was coming for me, so I'd rather sit back on more objectives and get in my better shooting on his open-topped vehicles.
I rolled Infiltrate as my Warlord trait (yeah, that's right - my Librarian was my Warlord), but opted to not Infiltrate very far up at all since apparently you can't charge in a "model's first turn" when you infiltrate. There's isn't a FAQ stating otherwise, so maybe people aren't realizing this change in 7th?
But anyways. I won the roll-off to go first and opted to infiltrate the terminators and all three dreadknights. Since I was going to deep strike the Strike Squad, this left my initial deployment with just a Land Raider, Dreadnought, and my combat-squaded Interceptors. He spread out quite a bit, with a Battle wagon and cargo ready to charge where-ever I ended up putting some points down. His Meganobs didn't start in their Trukks, on the chance I decided to just blow them up and stop them from going anywhere in the first turn (which would have ended up being all game). I placed a Dreadknight facing off against (and in cover) each Battlewagon and kept Draigo and company in the center of my deployment area. After deployment was completely finished I decided I'd rather go second (since he had little shooting, and any movement on my part would put something in a potential charge range).
Turn 1 for him was just advancing and taking some failed pot shots at things. My first turn was flaming and positioning around a bit. My Land Raider's lascannon got a bit lucky and took down his Warlord's battlewagon with one shot. Draigo and company fired at the wreck and ended up making an 11" charge - something I should have postponed, but they did substantial damage to the unit. To sum up my first round would be to just explain how Str 6, AP 4 flamers rip through open-topped vehicles and their contents pretty easily. He lost about 1/4 of his army.
Turn 2 saw a charge on a Dreadknight and a multi-charge on two units of interceptors that shunted up the board to grab mid-field and his back-field objective. He determined that the multi-charge was a bad idea afterwards, since he lost a lot of his attacks and a substantial portion of his unit from so many power weapon swings. He was run down. He sent a unit of Meganobs into Draigo, and while Draigo and company pulled out some awesome kills (including killing his Warlord), the ensuing Powerklaw meganob damage also finished off my unit. Ouch. Another unit of meganobs also charged and took down a Land Raider.
Turn 3 was the end of the game. His turn went alright, considering I had 3 untouched Dreadknights ready to bare down on his army. I drew my objectives and got two new GK ones - the one where if I shunt and kill a unit I get VPs and the one where when I draw it my opponent chooses and objective and I get 1 VP if I claim it (or d3 if I claim it the turn he chooses it). I should note that I've been holding on to Supremacy and Domination (secure 2 objectives and twice as many as my opponent, and secure all objectives on the board). With DK shunts and jump infantry, even with half his army alive I was able to grab all the objectives (with my DK shunting and killing the unit contesting one of them - which also happened to be the objective he chose for my other card). I was close to 15 VPs by the end of Turn 3 and he decided to call the game. He still had some damage dealers in meganob units, but that was pretty much all he had left to deal with my army and they were all on foot by this point against my jump infantry. Considering my Dreadknights attack first and inflict instant death on the meganobs, it would also take some really lucky rolling on his point.
I want to note that my opponent is a good friend, a great player, and the person that taught me the game. It wasn't completely one-sided, but the end result was brutal in hindsight, and the worst I've ever beaten him by (and with my Necrons I've had his 'Nids left with only a Flyrant on a few occassions, but even still the VP total was pretty close).
I did manage to get a picture of the end of the game, however.
With Thanksgiving this Thursday, I don't think I'll get in another game before the tournament. Boo.
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